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Weekly Update + Upcoming Offerings


It was a celebration of color at the center this week! Inspired by the artist Helen Frankenthaler, the kids explored color in nature, within themselves, through art and with their bodies. It was quite the immersive experience...

"One cliché I use on myself all the time, it's the one rule is no rules. And if you have a real sense of limits then you're free to break out of them. The end."

Helen Frankenthaler, "Line into Color, Color into Line"

We challenged our artists to try to "be in control enough to not be in control at all" using their "head, heart, and wrist". Watching their faces and hearing their responses as the water moved around the canvas or photopaper was what process art is all about. They were learning about a process, an artform, an artist, but then putting their own emotions and memories into their art.

Lucas was excited, yet focused as we read Dancing Through Fields of Color a story about Helen Frankenthaler. When I asked the kids to think about an emotion or memory while they painted and to really work and play with intention behind their pouring, movement, and actions. Lucas immediately asked if it had to be a happy memory.

He started with a swirling of black, using his fingers, leaves, sticks to move the paint around the canvas. Then he moved onto the bright green, again moving in a circular motion. He worked with intention - more black, a little green, swirl it around, black again... And then stated he was finished. He asked what I thought and I asked about his memory. He said he was thinking about a video he watched that showed the destruction that occurs during powerful storms - hurricanes and tornados. It all made sense.

Our kids were asked to take on the role of abstract expressionist artists this week and they did not disappoint. No inhibitions, no rules! We had storms, bees, ghosts, flowers, sunsets, rain. So many emotions, so many interpretations. That is why kids (and humans) are all so wonderful and inspiring. From world renowned painter, Helen Frankenthaler to seven-year-old, Lucas, we are different and special and important parts of what makes this world such an amazing place. <3

Pour Painting inspired by Helen Frankenthaler (Dancing Through Fields of Colors)

tempera paint + water on canvas

Social Skills with Mr. Nick - Colors of Emotions (Warm + Cool Colors)

tempera paint on mixed media paper + cardboard

Drip Painting - Line into Color, Color into Line (video interview with Helen Frankenthaler)

liquid watercolor on photo paper using droppers

Exploring Color

magna-tiles on light table, parachute fun, layering scarves


Enjoy this photo journal of our WEEK AT Sapna!